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Waxes based on natural and synthetic resins essential for classic technique cross-country skiing. They allow the ski to anchor to the snow in the pushing phase and at the same time to slide in the subsequent sliding phase. To be applied with transformed, old, icy or grainy snow with rounded crystals. They come in a gelatinous and sticky form contained in tubes of about 60 gr. Usually applied cold, they can also be applied with iron in particular snow conditions. They cover a temperature range from -15 ° to + 6 °.
For the less experienced in the choice, they are grouped according to the snow conditions:
- KLISTER base: K10 Blue Special, K20 Blue, K90 Chola
- KLISTER per neve dura: K36 Violet Special, K30 Violet
- KLISTER per nevi da asciutte a bagnate - nevi ghiacciate: K52 Silver Extra, K80 Nera, K76 Multigrade
- KLISTER per nevi bagnate : K40 Rossa, K46 Rossa Special, K50 Silver, K60 Gialla, K70 Universal
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Klister base
Spray Klister base
-6C°... +6C°
-2C°... +5C°
+4C°... -2C°
0C°... +3C°
+1C°... +5C°
0C°... +4C°
+1C°... -3C°
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