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Wax Remover

S111, S121, S131, S141 FLUOR FREE

Ski base cleaner. Suitable for removing grip waxes, paraffins and dirt. It works thoroughly and quickly without dry out or ruin the base, optimizing the following waxing. The Wax Remover 2.1 formula has been updated to have a product with more controlled evaporation, a lighter odor and less toxicity.

Glider Cleaner


Cleaner specially created to clean ski-base from fluor and dirt. Allows you to effectively clean your ski without using hot cleaning, saving time, not damaging the base and reviving it for the next waxing. It does not dry out the base, but rather leaves it with that shiny appearance which guarantees better sliding. It is necessary to distribute the cleaner on the base with Fiber Paper (AR21), brush it with a soft nylon brush while the base is still damp, dry the base with Fiber Paper and brush it with a bronze brush before waxing.


AR396, AR398
For the removal of polyethylene microhairs after making the structure of the ski base or on new skis. It also rounds off the incisions left by the diamond stones, improving the effectiveness of the structure. Also useful for refreshing those ski-base that tend to absorb sliding waxes poorly. To be used lightly on clean skis.

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