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COOKIELiquid hydrocarbon waxes are a clean
and quick solution for those who love convenience, reducing time for
ski preparation, without sacrificing performance. From
after careful analysis it was noted that the substances dissolved in the solvent can easily
penetrate the microporosities of the ski base,remaining deposited once the solvent evaporates,
like wax heated with iron. For this reason these
products should not be understood as suitable only for training
or short distances, but valid products that can last a long time
under the ski. This is demonstrated by the fact that they are used for competitions
of several km even in the World Cup. With aluminum or metal bottles we have
significantly reduced the use of plastic.
The package includes a sponge for application.
FREE: RL Line and
RXL Line
HFL Line and LFL Multigrade
are only possible for Italian users.