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How do I clean skis from fluorinated products

The following procedure was tested on skis previously prepared with completely fluorinated products; the tests were carried out with the FLUOR TRACKER used by FIS for ski control. Other methods tested did not guarantee the same result.

We recommend using the Glider Cleaner and spreading it over the ski with a brush. Continue to act with the brush to make the cleaner penetrate well into the cavities of the ski structure. Possibly, for a more vigorous action, use the fine steel brush while the ski is still wet from the cleaner and, if necessary, add cleaner again.
Then dry the insole with Fiber Paper and then pass again with Fiber Paper soaked in Glide Cleaner and dry again.
Wait 10 minutes for the cleaner to evaporate completely, brush the ski with a steel brush (not the same one used with the cleaner) or bronze brush, and apply a soft hot paraffin. We suggest the use of the Warm Base (GLW.) Hard products do not ensure the perfect success of the procedure. Once the ski has cooled, scrape and brush well with steel or bronze. Repeat the entire process again. At this point the ski will be free of fluor.

Once the skis have been cleaned, can I be sure that they will no longer be contaminated with fluor?

After the first fluor free preparations the skis could still be contaminated from fluor and not fully respect the limit imposed by FIS in its tests. This is because some of the fluor applied in the past to skis, takes time to emerge from the porosity of the base. To really be sure that you have fluor-free skis, you need to clean them, prepare them and use them several times.

Which accessories can I continue to use and which ones should be changed to avoid contaminating the skis with fluor?

Some tools used for ski preparation with fluorinated products can be cleaned and reused for fluor-free preparation, other must be changed:
To be clened:
- Bench, vices or supports and scrapes can be cleaned by suction of wax residues and cleaning via Wax Remover.
- Waxing irons must be heated, waxed with a soft paraffin as Base Warm (GLW), cleaned with paper, and once they are cold, cleaned with Wax Remover.
- Some brushes like steel, bronze and nylon you can try to clean through compressed air and a bath of the bristles in Wax Remover and again compressed air for drying. However, the result is not always 100% certain.
To be replaced:
- Other brushes already used with fluorinated products must certainly be replaced, such as those in wool, cork, felt or even horsehair.
- Ski bags, fastener, wall strips ski holders that have parts in contact with the ski-base

Do RODE grip waxes contain fluor?

The Rode waxes, both STICK and KLISTER, of the classic line and also of the TOP LINE line have never had fluor inside them, and can therefore be used without any problem with the new competitions rules.

Do new fluor-free products perform as well as fluorinated products?

The new fluor-free products are actually more ecological and environmentally friendly than fluorinated ones, and offer excellent performance on cold or medium-cold conditions, comparable to those of fluorinated products.
In hot and medium-hot conditions, fluorinated products have characteristics that cannot be achieved by fluor-free products, and therefore have better performance. The wetter and warmer the snow, more fluorinated products make a difference.

Is the application sequence for fluor-free products the same as for fluorinated products?

For the best results in competitions, with fluorinated products generally the sequence followed in the application of the products was:
1 - medium or high fluorinated solid or liquid base,
2 - 100% fluorinated powder, and
3 - 100% fluorinated finishing liquid.
With new products it is not a given that the sequence is the same. Powders and liquids fluor-free present on the market have nothing to do with the 100% fluorinated powders and liquids that were used. Tests carried out in recent years with fluor-free products tell us that the best application sequence is:
1 - put a solid base with the iron and then
2 - apply a liquid product twice.

Why doesn't Rode offer a line of powder fluor-free products ?

The powdered fluoride-free products found on the market are practically the same solid products on the market but reduced to powder.
Rode has decided not to offer them so as not to create confusion for users.

Have Rode fluor-free products been tested with the FIS and IBU controller?

Yes, our fluor-free products, both in the catalog and those under development, have been tested on skis with the FLUOR TRACKER control device and no problems were encountered with the analyzed values.

Does Rode cleaner contain fluor?

Both the Wax Remover and the Glider Cleaner do not contain fluor.

What is the difference between the Wax Remover and the Glider Cleaner?

The Wax Remover is specifically created to remove grip-waxes and evaporate quickly.
The Glider Cleaner is a cleaner more delicate, dries more slowly and removes normal and fluorinated sliding waxes better.

Is it necessary to re-mark the skis-base to ensure that the fluor is completely removed?

It is not necessary to re-mark the skis treated even numerous times with fluorinated products to have an effective cleaning, on the contrary, re-imprinting process does not ensure complete cleaning, so if for some reason it is necessary to make a new one on the ski, the cleaning procedure with cleaner and fluor-free wax must still be carried out.

What tool is used by FIS and IBU to check skis?

The Bruker Alpha II, an infrared spectrometer, is used.

Is the sale or purchase of fluorinated products still allowed?

In the European Union there is no ban on the sale or purchase of fluorinated waxes as long as they comply with the Reach regulations. The fluorinated products currently and in recent years on the market comply with these regulations and in general even those outside the European Union. Outside the European Union it is necessary to refer to the specific regulations of the area of interest.

Is the use of fluorinated products on skis still allowed?

Fluorinated products can be used in any skiing activity outside of competitions regulated by the FIS and IBU federations.

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